Monday, March 30, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

This last week, I had the opportunity to see Slumdog Millionaire at the Rivoli Theater in Seward, Nebraska. I am very glad that I went to see it. Honestly, I was not expecting much, but I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone who wants to see a great movie. I really enjoyed the plot, the characters, and the setting of the movie, but it also made me realize how lucky I am to live in the United States. Seeing the slums of Mumbai really opened my eyes. I did not realize how poor the living conditions are in slums like that. I was appaled to see Jamal and Salim swimming in a local pool that was being used to wash clothes, the local port-a-poties, orphanage conditions, and the persecution of the Indian people. I cannot imagine orphans having their eyes burned out to recieve more money on the street, or paying to use a local bathroom that empties right onto a beach, or even having my integrity questioned because I lived in poverty. All of these events lead an audience to disbeleif, but by the end of the movie, it is all resolved when Jamal sucessfully wins "Who Wants to be a Millionarie?" Slumdog Millionaire is a fantastic movie, and I plan on adding it to my collection as soon as it comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,
    Well done. Your posts are thorough and include statistics and other supporting information. Keep up the good work!
